general in Super Smash Flash 2 community

hello welcome to the Super Smash Flash 2 community

Sad News: My CPU screen broke

ES: Sora es el mejor personaje de todo ssf2, el que diga lo contrario le invito a un 1v1 para ver si cambia de parecer

EN: Sora is the best character in all of ssf2, whoever says otherwise I invite him to a 1v1 to see if he changes his mind

Recien me doy cuenta que buffearon a sandbag


I Recently I did found that they buffed sandbag

Congratulations Community

200 members

YO YO YO GUYS, I'M MAKING FREDDY FAZBEAR FROM SMASH BROS FOR SMASH BROS what do you think? should I give him a moveset?

New Smash-Like Game for Mobile!?!
New smash game for mobile this game is call Flash Party. I hope u guy like the video. Make sure you share this video out to anyone you know, dont forget to l...

100 members wow not bad

70 Members nothing bad

nobody uses online_smash anymore in this very community